Saturday 6 April 2013

How to Sell Your Car through Everyday Yard Sale

Thanks to the advances in the Internet technology, e-shopping has gained importance. The current trend is to sell and buy goods and products over the Internet. This trend is not specific to a certain country but is a universal phenomenon. Today’s life style is such that people are taking more pleasure shopping from the premises of their home or office rather than going to the physical location. This trend is slowly catching up in the garage sales also. People have started to realize that they can get better deals and make extra money for their still new but used articles by putting a classified ad in an online site such as Everyday Yard Sale than conducting a traditional garage/yard/junk sale.
Are you aware of the fact that people are even advertising their used cars for sale through garage sale sites?
Here we will discuss how to sell your car through Everyday Yard Sale website. The procedure is simple and easy.
  • The first and foremost, you have to create an account with the site. If you are already a member, then all you have to do is login.
  • Once you have logged in, you have to click on the Post Free Ad/Classifieds Button. This button is on the top.
  • On this page, you can enter the details of the Car that you are putting out for sale. In the Category select Automotive and in the Sub-category, choose cars or classic cars
  • Next step is to enter the Price of your vehicle. There is a radio button here. You can either choose negotiable or fixed.
  • In the Description box, give the description of your car, including the type, year of making and the engine type.
  • If you have the images of the car, then upload those pictures. (Always provide clear pictures to attract potential buyers)
  • The Advertiser Control Panel is used to check the enquiries of the ad that you have placed in Everyday Yard Sale.
  • If you do not have a seller account with Everyday Yard Sale, then you create on without any hassles. Follow the steps given here.
Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Friday 5 April 2013

Do the Buyers need to have a Member Account with Everyday Yard Sale

Everyday Yard Sale is one of the prominent online garage/yard/junk sale sites where you can register your junk or the articles you no longer need for sale. If you are a seller then it is mandatory that you have an account to manage your online classified and ads. If you are a casual browser who is interested only in browsing through the articles listed in the site, then it is not necessary to have an account. However, if you want to contact the advertiser then you need to create an account here. It is simple and easy.
Here are the steps to create an account for Everyday Yard Sale buyers.
  1. Click on the Login/Join Free Button
  2. If you are already a member, enter your valid email id and password and click login button.
  3. If you are a new member, click on the Join Free button and you will come to the member/advertiser registration page. Enter your details and click the Agree/Register button to confirm the membership.
  4. On clicking the Agree buttons you come to the Account setting page where you can enter you personal details and click save.
  5. Now your account is active and you can place your classifieds and ads in the concerned category and subcategory.
However, the buyers have to be careful regarding the purchase transactions. Everyday Yard Sale is in no way responsible for any loss of money.
Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Yard Sale Recipes

With the onset of the spring season, yard sale season 2013 again commences. It is the time of the year when the buffets of bargains are laid out on the lawns. It draws the yard saling shopaholics and professionals to the garage sales at obscenely early hours on weekends from their homes.

My husband and I have a routine. On Thursdays, we scan the classifieds of the local dailies to check out on the garage sales in our vicinity. On Saturday morning, with a thermos of coffee and cash in hand, we drive down the road at half past seven in the morning. I know you are wondering what does this have to do with cooking and recipes. Apart from the occasional cookware bargain, you would find boxes of inspiring recipes that you buy for pennies.

I enjoy the adventure of going through the boxes of sometimes decades-old cookbooks with fading and at times ugly looking pictures. But I know that I’ll find some interesting recipes in there. Let me remind you that yard/garage sale is not for recipe snobs. It is for people like me who enjoy spending a few bucks on self-published cookbooks. These books cost around 10 cents.

Some of my favorite yard sale finds are recipe boxes, scribbled index cards, folded newspaper cuttings and notes that were once some family’s favorites. For me it’s a treat to peep into a cook’s past, visualizing and tasting the recipes a family may have grown up with.

During a recent weekend garage sale, I was not able to make it to the venue. That’s when one of my close friends introduced me to online yard sales. Though I was reluctant at first thinking I would not get the same feel as the traditional garage sale, slowly I started enjoying visiting various online sites. One such site that I have bookmarked is A couple of days back, I came across a classified ad here. It says they have 100 plus cookbooks for sale. Here is the link I would be visiting soon

Visit for more garage/yard sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Thursday 4 April 2013

How to Create a Member Account in Everyday Yard Sale

The trend of selling used goods on the internet is slowly catching up. There are many online sites where you can place your ads. One such site is At Everyday Yard Sale, both the buyers and sellers can place their ads and classifieds free of cost.
If you are not member of this site yet, you have to join by creating an account. Through this account you can manage your classified and Ads. It is mandatory for all the sellers to have an account with Everyday Yard Sale. While, the buyers who are just browsing the items registered with the site need not have an account.
If any of the products that are enlisted in the site catches the eyes of the buyer, then he has to open an account. Once this is done he can meet, converse and strike a deal with a seller.
Creating an account with Everyday Yard is a simple procedure. Here are the steps that you need to follow.
  1. Click on the Login/Join Free Button
  1. If you are already a member, enter your valid email id and password and click login button.
  1. If you are a new member, click on the Join free button and you will come to the member/advertiser registration page. Enter your details and click the Agree/Register button to confirm the membership.
  1. On clicking the Agree buttons you come to the Account setting page where you can enter you personal details and click save.
  1. Now your account is active and you can place your classifieds and ads in the concerned category and subcategory.
See it is so simple and easy. Now you can sell your items online and make that extra money you wanted for taking your family for a vacation.

Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Everyday Yard Sale – How to Promote your Garage Sale

Holding a garage sale is an American way of Living. However, hosting a garage sale means a lot of work and very little reward if very few people show up. To make your yard sale a success a you should promote your sale. Advertising and promotions are the two things that will make your junk sale a success. Here are a few tips to make your garage sale a great success.

Flyers – Print flyers and post them on a local bulletin board, community library, local stores, and at your work. The date and time along with the address of the yard sale should be listed in your flyer.

Poster Boards – If your yard sale is a big one, then the biggest way to promote it is by putting poster boards on light poles. You can also put it wherever, it will grab the attention of people driving by.

Sign board outside your house – Having a sign board outside your home is mandatory. You can tie a couple of balloons also along with the board to attract the attention of the shoppers and the drivers.

Place an ad on your local newspaper. Many hardcore garage sale shoppers will go through the local newspaper’s classifieds ads to find garage sales to go to.

Place an ad at in the popular online sites- You can post ads in sites such as craigslist, everydayyardsale an so on. They are free and also easy to use.

Word of mouth publicity- Tell your friends and colleagues about the sale. you can also ask them to bring along their friends and relatives. If you are regular church goer, you can ask the minister to make an announcement and promise to give 20% of all profits to the welfare of the church.

# Tip: Use the cardboard pieces lying around to make sign boards, instead of buying fancy poster boards. It will save some money.

If you find placing ad in the newspaper to be expensive, then it is not worth it. You conduct a garage sale to earn extra money not to lose it.

Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Garage Sale Etiquette for Sellers and Buyers

In one of my previous posts garage sale hosting etiquette, I had spoken about the body language and the manners that are a big no-no in a yard sale. Here I’m going to share a few simple manners that should be practiced by both the buyers and sellers to make a killer yard sale experience.

Yard Sale – Seller’s Etiquette

Have a clear price tag on all items - Remember the buyers would like to browse through the items before choosing the items. Buyers shouldn’t have to work at figuring out the prices. There are some who get frustrated and leave without making any purchases.

Avoid accommodating early birds - It is inconsiderate behavior on the part of the hosts to entertain the early birds. Here you are being unfair to the shoppers who respect your start time.

Trying to sell the pre-owned and used stuff at New prices - It is not fair to sell a used item at the new prices. If you feel you want to sell it at better price try online sites such as or other similar sites. Remember, the traditional garage sale shoppers will not be carrying so much money in hand.

Be careful about the items you put for sale - There is nothing worse than hearing” How did that get out here”, “That is not for sale”. Cross check and go through the displayed items before you open the yard sale.

Remove the yard sale sign boards - Once the garage sale is over, ensure removing the signs you posted. It will not only litter the place but also send wrong messages to the shoppers who will inevitably drive down your street looking for the sale.

Yard Sale- Buyer’s Etiquette

Respect the time schedule - If the ad says that the garage sale is at 8 Am, don’t show up at 6Am, with the hope if beating the other shoppers to the bargains.

Carry coins and small bills - If you have decided to go garage saling, collect small bills and coins. Do not produce a $20 bill for goods worth 50 cents.

Avoid obnoxious behavior- Try not to disturb the seller’s neighbors by speaking or laughing loudly.  Another behavior the buyer should avoid is aggressive haggling or similar negotiating tactics.

Respect other buyers - Once you have decided on the items you want to purchase, you can ask the hosts to keep those items in a pile for you. This is better than rudely claiming an item as “yours”, when you have not made an effort to let the host or the other shoppers know you intend to purchase it.

Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Monday 1 April 2013

Yard Sale Hosting Etiquettes

Garage or Yard Sale is a social event or gathering where you meet many people whom you may know well, acquaintances and strangers. Therefore as in any social gathering you need to put on your best behavior and display good etiquettes. Etiquettes do not mean greeting the shoppers or giving away carry bags or offering them light refreshments. There is more to it. Here let’s take a look at the some of the etiquette No-nos.
Avoid too much touching – As in any situation, too much of touching while talking or moving around can be misconstrued. You as a host must be careful about these things. A friendly handshake offer is all that is required. Putting hands on someone’s shoulder or touching him/her can be misunderstood for flirtation and many may not like such things.
Do not share too much personal information- Yard saling is any social gathering where buyers and sellers meet. But that does not mean that you should talk about your family or friends here. Be a good listener and give information where it is really required. A mild small-talk on surface topics is fine but not beyond that.
Never swear or use offensive language – Remember that most of the shoppers who come for yard sale would be families with children. So you have to be extra careful about the language you use and what you say around them.
Basic manner is must – Welcome the shoppers with appropriate greetings. If you are suffering from a cough or sneezing or any contagious ailment during junk/garage sale weekend, you should turn away and cough on the elbow. Remember, to wash your hands or sanitize them with good sanitizer if you cough into your hands.
Visit for more garage sale tips. As always, enjoy free advertising for selling your items and locating yard sales in your area.

Selling Refreshments at Your Garage Sale

salad wrle1I f you haven’t used an item for over a year, then you should consider either donating to the needy else you should consider putting it up for sale. There are many online yard/garage sale sites such as, craigslist and ebay. Else you can look out for the traditional yard sale that is happening in your neighborhood or vicinity. You can approach them and ask whether they are willing to take your articles and items for a price. It will not only bring in some extra money but also de-clutters the space.
If there is a yard sale taking place in your neighborhood, you can approach the host and ask whether you can put up a stall for selling refreshments. You may sometimes have to pay a small commission to the host at times, but you can make some extra money over the weekend.
Many of the yard sale hosts would agree to the idea of selling refreshments at their garage sale because the shoppers will able to keep their children occupied for sometime and they would also be happy to guzzle a cold soda after spending time browsing through the sale.

Here are a few refreshments that you can sell at the yard sale.
  • Cold sodas will sell like hot cakes on a hot summer day. An hour before the sale begins you can place the soda cans in a thermos-cooler packed with ice. You can actually pick up the case of soda for 25 to 30 cents a can at the super markets or the grocery stores which are giving discounts and sell it for .75 cents a can.
  • If you know how to make cookies,  you can bake them and store them in transparent air tight containers. Else you can package them in disposable containers. Kids and the adults would enjoy them. Cold finger food   is also a good idea for the yard sale refreshment stall.
  • If you can get extra help, you can also serve the crowd ice-cold lemonade at a reasonable price.
  • You can offer hot coffee or chocolate along with muffins or donuts. It is sure to be welcomed by early shoppers who have missed their breakfast.
  • In disposable small lunch boxes, you can have an assortment of cheese crackers, vanilla wafers, a small juice box and fritos. This will sell well.
Arranging a refreshment stall at your garage/junk/yard sale is a wonderful idea. You can always ask your neighbors and grown up children to put up a stall. It will be fun and also keep your children engaged while teaching them to handle cash and customers.
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